Monday, November 20, 2006

PCC Proton Presidential Ride 2006 # 2

it was an exhausting ride that i could remember. talk about my kiara ride was too extreme for me but hell no this is the sh*t. well, woke around 5am in the morning and prepare some of the supplies that i needed to take with me on the ride. it was a cool sunday early morning when i reached at kajang perdana. the place was full of people preparing to unload their mtb's from their vehicles. the event was about to start at that time around 7.45am.

mtber's ready for action

can you spot me?
took the pic frm another blogger site

some of the marshall and event organizer was given out the rules and safety tips. i couldn't hear a thing what they are saying cause i was at the back of the starting line. anyway it started well and headed toward some 4x4 off road into the first loop. well, it was a monstrous climb at the 1st loop. people are jammed pack there climbing up the trail. decided to wait for a while for the traffic jam to ease off. won't wanna to get stuck there.

traffic jam!

more traffic jam!

there are so many hills to climb until you felt like throwing off your bike and pack home. really i had this feeling already in the 1st loop. and what do you know, there's 3 more to go. i didn't complete all 4 loops but 3 of it. eventually the marshal advice to take loop 4 and skip loop 3 cause there isn't much time. looking at the time the marshall said you got 30mins to complete loop 3 which is impossible. and loop 4 cut-off time is at 1400hrs, looking at the time again it is 1330hrs.well, what the hell i can't stand any more torturing for my body.

the last loop was a bloody killer loop climb (thank god the marshal ask to skip loop 3, heard alot of pain on loop 3), it was another hill to climb. not an ordinary hill but a very steep hill to climb. you need to push or at some point you need to carry your bike up the shoulder adding another 12 - 14kg of your climb. i stopped 3 times there and one of my mate had a bloody horrible cramp on his right thigh during the climb. you couldn't imagined how suffering he had. stayed with him for an hour or more at the hill there until he gets better.

riders passing fast

awesome downhill

anyway it was ended well and manage to complete it even though i did not complete loop 3. went back to the star/finish line around 4.15pm. had some quick sandwiches and drinks provided by the organizer and waited of the lucky draw. not that lucky, didn't get anything from there. haha.

exhausted face

my exhausted bike


Moolah said...


You got infected by Peter's "TakeShortCut" syndrome?


blazer said...

Nooo....i must resists the syndrome! hahaa :D

Vincent said...

hey ! i was at the event as well. nice photos too. very clear shots.

Anonymous said... did you get the photo of yourself at the start/finish line?

Interested to know

blazer said...


te start/finish line i got it from someone photos..was browsing through some blog of the event and looking through some pictures and i found myself on one of the pic. hehehe